
Blackface Deluxe Reverb Style – 2018 Red Snake Skin/silver grill

List Price: $3300

Check out Scott Sharrard’s video …he explains this amp very well. We have several BF-DR’s clones with unique features only found on our amps.
  • Pull for bright on normal channel.
  • Pull for direct feed on Vibrato channel (Disconnects normal channel).
  • Pull for “Extra Slow” on vibrato speed knob.
  • Turn to activate Vibrato on intensity knob (otherwise disconnected from amp).
  • Magnet Strength knob to adjust FluxTone speaker level.
  • Three way setting for No Negative feedback.
  • The ability to play other amps through the FluxTone speaker system.
  • Comes with your choice of FluxTone speaker,
  • Pre-amp tubes run on DC…Very hum free.
  • Nice padded cover with logos and under strap.
  • Never need to replace led lamp…Green=STBY, Red=Run
Your choice of amps…black, or whatever custom color you want (Allow 45 days for custom colors)

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